Friday, July 13, 2012


Hey! First, here’s my Friday Fitness pic. (Yes, that is a PokeWalker clipped to the side of my cap. Be jealous.)

Sorry about the lack of an update Wednesday! This week has been pretty hectic. I recently applied for what seems like a pretty sweet job, and I’ve also been busy with friends, family, and various summer activities. In fact, as soon as I’m done typing this, I have an art show to visit, and my potential employers will be there, so I’m hoping to go make a good impression.

I’ve been doing this blog for over a month now, and I’m definitely glad I’ve stuck with it. However, I feel like I’m ready to take it in a slightly different direction. I like writing, but I prefer writing short stories and working on my novel, honestly. I really enjoy making art with my tablet—it’s just that MS Paint is a nightmare to use. So, I’m not sure if I should just keep chugging and see what happens, or take a break until I can afford to buy a new computer that can run my art programs. Once my equipment is updated, I would love to focus solely on artwork and comics.

On a similar note, I’m a bit divided on my YouTube project. I love singing and playing the piano, and even though learning to play guitar is difficult, I’m having a good time. It was very refreshing to upload my first video and get so much positive feedback (and even a request!) from both friends and strangers. It’s just that making those videos takes forever. Partially it’s because I’m a perfectionist, but even if I cut the number of takes in half, the process of recording, editing, and uploading the video basically takes a whole day. I just don’t know if I like that, you know? I bet I could streamline the process a bit, but I’ll have to figure it out.

I guess right now I’m at a sort of “checkpoint” in life. I’m evaluating a few goals and projects and seeing what should go and what should stay. I know for a fact that if I get this job, I’ll have to cut something, simply because I’m applying for a full-time position and most of my hobbies are pretty time-consuming and intensive. If I don’t get the job, I suppose I won’t have to worry, but honestly, I’m ready to see some income, and I’m even more ready to buy a Mac. If getting this job and taking a hiatus from the blog is what it takes to save up the money for a new laptop, then I will do it in a heartbeat.

Wow. Today’s post is offering nothing particularly helpful, funny, or inspiring to y’all. Oh, well. I’m a bit scatterbrained at the moment, and like I said, this week has been hectic. About the only goal that seems to be going the way I wanted/hoped is the fitness goal: I added 200 more sit-ups to my workout today.

Anyway, that’s all I have for today. I’m going to spend the next week or two soul-searching and assessing my goals, so if my blog posts seem weirder than usual, that’s why. Talk to you Monday.

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