Friday, June 8, 2012

The Fitness Goal

Hello, angel faces. So, today I am going to share with you one of my many, many goals. I want to be a model. Does that make me sound superficial and shallow and vain? Probably. Do I particularly care? Nope. The bottom line is this: I’ve been told repeatedly growing up that I should look into modeling, I modeled at OU and had a really good experience with it, and I think it’s something I’d be good at. Plus, it seems like a great way to find success in other avenues. Another goal of mine is to be a singer/songwriter—maybe my face will catch someone’s attention. Yet another goal of mine is to direct music videos—maybe by modeling, I could end up in someone’s music video and see firsthand how everything works. You never know, right?
Anyway, the great thing about this goal is that even if I don’t become a model, I will become healthier, happier, and fitter. Part of my process is to work out and tone my body up. I’m as skinny as a broom and it’s hard for me to put on weight—this is good in some aspects, but it also makes it difficult for me to put on muscle. My face is…well, it’s my face, and barring surgery (which is a definite no-no), there’s not much I can do about it. My body, however, can and will be improved.

See, running is my ideal exercise. It’s not about how big you are or how beastly you are; it’s about endurance, speed, and discipline. But weight-lifting is a different animal entirely. For one, I hate it. I feel silly curling my tiny little dumb bells, and I’m not very good at it, and I don’t like it. However, there is more than one way to skin a cat. Instead of weight-lifting (at least right now), I am doing sit-ups and push-ups every day before I run. Sit-ups are a piece of cake for me. I do 400 a day in reps of 100 each and seeing as I’m not even breaking a sweat doing that, I should probably add some more. Push-ups, on the other hand, are not my forte. Right now the number of push-ups I do is so pathetic that I won’t share it with you, but I am proud to say that I have been gradually increasing the number and variety as I go.

So. I’ve been running for a long time now, but I’ve only been doing the push-ups and sit-ups for about two weeks. Here, on this blog, I am going to post a shirtless (gasp) picture of myself every Friday. Hopefully, over time, I will see positive changes in my build and mass. Unfortunately, I do not have a hi-tech camera, but I do have a cell phone and a bathroom mirror. Classy, right?

I’m hoping that posting these semi-embarrassing pictures will help motivate me and hold me accountable. I suppose I could be opening the Floodgates to Internet Hell by inviting who-knows-how-many-trolls to drop by and leave horrible disparaging comments, but I will climb that beanstalk when I get there. Until then, please continue to read my posts, and feel free to offer any tips and tricks on working out! See y’all tomorrow!

You see those eyes? Those are the eyes of someone with NO SHAME.

1 comment:

  1. For great fitness check out Mark's Daily Apple at I have the Primal Blueprint Fitness Manuscript on my computer and I can e-mail it to you if you would like to read it. I find it valuable and worth reading if you are interested in overall fitness.
