Sunday, June 10, 2012

The YouTube Goal

Hello, my ducklings. So, today I’m sharing another goal with you: the goal to become a YouTube musician. I haven’t entirely figured out everything yet, but I’ve got a keyboard, and a camcorder, and a tripod. Now all I need is the talent, ha ha.

I’ve been playing piano since I was little and singing since I was in high school. Joining choir was easily one of the best decisions of my life. I learned to overcome stage fright, I learned to make new friends, I learned to work with others, and, possibly best of all, I learned to sing. I’m a bass, but I’ve been working on building up my voice range to that of a baritone. I might not ever have the insane falsetto abilities of a tenor, but I’m not too downtrodden—you have to take advantage of what you’re given, and in my case, I have been given a pretty low range.

Anyway, I’m hoping to use my voice and keyboard to garner some views on YouTube and possibly “get discovered.” See, I want to be a model (I believe I posted about that on Friday), as well as a singer/songwriter, and a director of music videos. In order to do these things, I need exposure. We live in the 21st century—the very era of exposure. Thanks to the internet, there are a billion and one ways to get your name out there: YouTube, Facebook, Tumblr, Blogspot, etc. I am taking advantage of all of these things to help achieve my goals. It seems to me that any time you’re looking to make money, whether via a traditional route or not, essentially you are “selling yourself.” I don’t mean that literally—unless you’re a prostitute or a porn star, of course—but the idea is that you are selling your personality, your talent, your charm, etc.

This means, of course, that if you don’t have much in the way of personality/talent/charm, you might have a long road to hoe. I guess you could always release a sex tape and see if that makes you famous, but unless you’re simultaneously super-hot and filthy rich, you’re probably going to have to do actual work like the rest of us.

If everyone in the world were paid to do what they were passionate about, I bet society as we know it would entirely different. Right now, while I’m young and nimble, I’m trying to make money with my passions, which are singing, songwriting, drawing, and writing, just to name a few. This blog is one of the various tools I am using to further my success, and I heartily recommend that you take advantage of the internet the same way I am. I’m definitely nervous about uploading videos to YouTube—much more so than I am about posting to my blog—but I’m willing to go for it anyway. After all, what’s the worst that could happen? Some people leave some nasty comments? No one watches my videos? So what? I can deal with that.

Not to jinx myself, but I have a pretty good feeling about this YouTube venture. I guess we’ll see what happens. Heck, even if everyone hates me, I’ll just pull a Rebecca Black and roll with the hatred, ha ha.

Watch my videos and let me know what you think! I’m always willing to receive constructive criticism. Here's a link to my first video:


  1. Listened to it! Pretty good....from just what I have heard, you do have a really deep voice that might better don't kill me...a show tune. There are a lot of good musicals with solos that are designed for deep bass voices like yours. Just an idea. And loosen are good and you will be better with less nervousness. You can really tell you are tense, so relax! Great piano! Enjoyed listening!

    1. Hey, thank you for listening! I'll definitely have to look around and see what musical solos I can find--you're right, I'm a Bass II. I was SUPER nervous during this video, ha ha. I'll work on loosening up. Also, I'm making a tumblr soon, so I'll be sure to follow you.

  2. Not bad! Some pitch issues here and there, but over all you have a nice voice and you play piano well! Just relax and have fun with it. :)

    1. Thank you for listening! I think some of the pitchiness came from my nerves, so hopefully I'll sound better with time and practice.
